Russia on Wednesday announced an immediate partial mobilization of its reservists, as it faces a surging Ukrainian counteroffensive on multiple fronts of its war against Ukraine.
The text of the decree announcing the move is vague and open-ended. It doesn’t specify the number of forces to be called up, nor an end date for their mobilization. It sets out the terms under which recruits can be dismissed from service — being too old or unfit, for instance — but doesn’t specify the desired fitness level or a maximum age.
The decree also tasks the “top officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation” for mobilizing conscripts “in the number and within the time limits determined by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation” — meaning regional chiefs will be responsible for rounding up the required mobilized forces.
Here is an English-language translation of the full text of President Vladimir Putin’s decree. Point 7 is absent in the original.
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President Vladimir Putin’s decree announcing partial mobilization in the Russian Federation.
In accordance with the federal laws of May 31, 1996 No. 61-FZ “On Defense,” of February 26, 1997 No. 31-FZ “On mobilization training and mobilization in the Russian Federation” and of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On military duty and military service,” I decide:
1. To announce partial mobilization in the Russian Federation from September 21, 2022.
2. To carry out the call-up of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service for mobilization in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Citizens of the Russian Federation called up for military service by mobilization have the status of military personnel serving in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation under a contract.
3. Establish that the level of remuneration for citizens of the Russian Federation called up for military service by mobilization into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation corresponds with the level of pay for military personnel serving in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation under contract.
4. Contracts for military service entered into by military personnel continue to be valid until the end of the period of partial mobilization, with the exception of cases of dismissal of military personnel from military service on the grounds established by this Decree.
5. Establish during the period of partial mobilization the following grounds for the dismissal from military service of servicemen undergoing military service under a contract, as well as citizens of the Russian Federation called up for military service for mobilization in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:
a) by age — upon reaching the age limit for military service;
b) for health reasons — in connection with their recognition by the military medical commission as unfit for military service, with the exception of military personnel who have expressed a desire to continue military service in military positions that can be fulfilled by the specified military personnel;
c) in connection with the entry into force of a court verdict on the imposition of a sentence of imprisonment.
6. The Government of the Russian Federation:
a) will finance activities for partial mobilization;
b) will take the necessary measures to meet the needs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies during the period of partial mobilization.
8. The top officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation shall arrange the conscription of citizens for military service for mobilization in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the number and within the time limits determined by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for each constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
9. Citizens of the Russian Federation working in organizations of the military-industrial complex have the right to defer from conscription for military service for mobilization (for the period of work in these organizations). The categories of citizens of the Russian Federation who are granted the right to defer and the procedure for granting it are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
This Decree comes into force from the day of its official publication.